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Киану Чарльз Ривз род. Киану родился 2 сентября года в столице Ливана, Бейруте, в семье геолога Сэмюэла и танцовщицы Патриции Бонд. Его род богат представителями разных национальностей.

A Little Love for Irises

О ней. О нем. О тебе. О настоящем. Откровенно и правдиво.

I bought an AquaJogger buoyancy belt affiliate link, but before you buy, realize that many aquatic centers have belts for use for pool running, aka deep water running, aka aquajogging. I sadly did not buy the shoes or the dumbbells. Although those would have completed the outfit…. The belt fits around the waist with the large foam part in the back. I was skeptical because I am half the size of most humans.

We have a little patch of irises in front of our house that completely surprised me the first year it bloomed. I love moving to a new house and discovering what plants are growing where and our current property has been so fun to learn about and discover. I remember being so excited when my mom and I moved into our townhouse when I was ten years old because our next door neighbors who were incredibly sweet!! At my height then- and irises being fairly tall- it was magical. I had a little time in the afternoon while the girls were sleeping recently and saw that the irises were blooming like crazy so I headed out to cut a bunch for an arrangement. There is something so crazy satisfying to me about growing and harvesting something for use- whether food, aesthetics, home remedies or projects.

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