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Recent stories about human trafficking in the United States and abroad have made headlines. Many of these stories have offered false narratives and theories about human trafficking rings and human trafficking leaders.

Flowers Gallery is pleased to present the 39th edition of the annual Small is Beautiful exhibition, which will take place at the Cork Street gallery and online. Small is Beautiful was first established at Flowers Gallery in , inviting selected contemporary artists working in any media to present works with a fixed economy of scale, each piece measuring no more than 7 x 9 inches. Continuing in the same spirit to the present day, Small is Beautiful XXXIX presents a rare opportunity to purchase smaller pieces by internationally recognised names and discover new talents. Exhibiting for the first time in Small is Beautiful are two newly represented artists, Australian painter Aida Tomescu, and Scottish painter Victoria Crowe. Taking part for the 39th time, having exhibited in every edition since , is John Loker who credits the exhibition with often opening up new directions in his work. An interesting move to come directly from Small is Beautiful is the use of the glass layering.

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